Personal Loans
Signature Loans
Have you been bombarded with unexpected expenses? Maybe you need to pay for home improvements or would like to consolidate bills. Whatever the reason, a signature loan may be what you're looking for.
Ready Cash Line of Credit
Provides you fast access to cash for emergencies or overdraft protection. This is a revolving loan that gives you peace of mind. You may access it anytime up to your approved limit with a simple phone call, or through online banking.
Holiday Loans
Available only from October through December, this loan is an easy way to pay for those added expenses from the holiday season. You may be eligible to borrow up to $2,000 for 12 months at a low, fixed rate of 8.99% APR*.
Vacation Loans
Need a vacation? We have you covered! This loan is only available only in June and July. You may borrow up to $2,000 for 18 months at a low, fixed rate of 9.90% APR*.
Payday Alternative Loans (PALs)
Stop the payday loan cycle with our new Payday Alternative Loan program. We want to be able to offer our members a better alternative, to help end the cycle of payday loans. That is why we are now offering PALs or Payday Alternative Loans. To be eligible for a PAL - you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a member at the Credit Union for at least 6 months.
- Be employed for at least 6 months.
- Receive your direct deposit at the Credit Union.
As long as you meet these 3 simple requirements, you are eligible for the loan. There is no credit report pulled. Upon application, member may be approved for up to $1,000 for the initial request and may be increased upon request later. The loan charges a $25 fee and is financed at a rate of 21.00% APR*.
PALs can also be a useful tool for building stronger credit. While most other loans all require a credit score, PALs do not and therefore give members with lower credit scores an opportunity to show credit worthiness.
Apply for a Payday Alternative Loan
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to credit approval.