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  • Photo of Daryl

    Annual Meeting Highlights What Makes GECU Special

    At our last annual meeting, we were just a week removed from our core system upgrade. That first week was unlike anything I, or anyone on our staff, has ever experienced. The phones rang off the hook from the opening minute to closing time, as we helped members enroll in the new online banking, and were learning the new system ourselves. I know I’ve said it before, but thank you for your patience during that time. Conversions are never easy, but we are happy to have the hard work behind us, so that we can focus on the future.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Celebrating 90 Years of Service in 2025

    1935. The country was coming out of the great depression and the credit union movement in the United States, thanks to the recent passage of the Federal Credit Union Act, was taking off. Included in that group was the People’s Power Employees Credit Union.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Our Mission (or Why do We Exist?)

    What is our mission as a credit union? Why do we exist? While you may not spend a lot of time thinking about this topic, this thought often fills my mind.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Turning a Profit in Difficult Times

    It’s been a whirlwind here at GECU as we have been working through our recent upgrade. This project has been in the works for over two years now, and our hard work has paid off with a successful implementation, minus a few minor snags along the way! So, forgive me if I haven’t found the time to blog for a while...
  • Transparency (or Why do Other Institutions Offer Strange Terms on CDs?)

    We take great pride in a lot of things at GECU – our exceptional member service, our low fees, our great rates on loans, and more. But one area where we have always stood out has been our savings rates. Whether it’s our Green² Checking account paying 3.00%, or our Money Market Account, or CDs, we have traditionally paid among the best rates in the nation. Even when interest rates were at record lows for much of the past decade, our average dividend rate has been higher than every other peer group – whether it’s other credit unions in the Quad Cities, credit unions in our same asset size, or all credit unions in the entire country. We have always made sure to give back to our members on both sides of the balance sheet – savings AND loans. And in those years where we have been able, we’ve even paid out a bonus dividend to members, totaling over $1.2 million.
  • Changing with the Times

    One of the many things we have prided ourselves on over the years is staying on the forefront of technology. We’re definitely not the biggest credit union out there, nor have any desire to be, so we may not be the first in the marketplace when a new service arrives. But we’re usually not too far behind, and sometimes, we even beat our bigger brethren to the punch.
  • We'll Always be here to "Lend" you a Hand!

    One of the many responsibilities I have as CEO of GECU is to keep abreast of industry trends, economic cycles, and what our competition is doing. We want to make sure that our rates are always competitive and that we are offering the products and services that you need and want.
  • Scammers are Out There. Don't be the Next Victim.

    While there have been scams out there since the beginning of recorded time, the internet and social media have it easier than ever for the bad actors to take advantage of good people. And it seems like the past few years, we have seen a huge uptick in these online scams and members falling victim. As your financial institution, and trusted partner, we want to do everything in our power to prevent our members from being taken advantage, and it all starts with education.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Why Fees Matter

    When financial institutions, banks and credit unions both, advertise, we promote our great CD rates, or low loan rates. GECU is no different, other than we really do pay better rates on our savings products, and offer lower rates on loans. But that’s for another post. What financial institutions don’t promote or emphasize are our fees. And that’s a shame, because in this day and age, I would argue fees can have a much bigger impact on your financial well-being than a small difference in an interest rate in most cases.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Putting Your Mind at Ease

    If you watched or read the news these past few weeks, you are no doubt aware of the recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank, a $209 Billion bank headquartered in California. This is the largest bank failure in the US since the financial crisis of 2008-09, and has sparked a lot of questions about the safety of your deposits, and the health of the banking industry. We wanted to take this opportunity to address your concerns and put to rest any questions you may have.
  • What Does an Annual Meeting Say About Your Credit Union?

    At GECU, our annual meeting has always been a big deal. Held on a Saturday night, with a buffet dinner and a cash bar, with drawings and trivia and an all-around good time. This year, we had over 200 members attend the annual meeting at The Stern Center in Rock Island (if you’re looking for a great venue, give them a call!) Of course, we could save some money if we scaled this back. But for us, the annual meeting is more than just a requirement. It’s a celebration of our members and of our success.
  • Photo of Daryl

    Welcome to our Blog!

    There’s many things we take great pride in here at GECU, but chief among them is communicating with our members. After all, you are the owners of the credit union, and have a right to know what’s going on and to understand our operating philosophy. Deciding to add a blog to our website is just one more way for us to communicate our mission and core values, and to keep you informed.